What a Running Newby Needs to Know
Running is perhaps the most affordable way of keeping yourself fit. You don’t need to pay for a gym, and you aren’t tied to any schedule except your own. For some people, it becomes just an available way to be in shape, for others – something more than this. But as you tell other people about your intention to start running, you may hear some demotivating comments.
“Running will ruin your knees and joints!”, “You won’t even get slimmer with it!”, “It’s such a dangerous strain for your heart!” Let’s figure out what is true and what is not. The safety during any exercise including running is important, and the risks should be taken into consideration. However, running shouldn’t be demonized as well.
Important Facts Every Beginning Runner Needs to Know
There are things that should be figured out for anyone who wants to start running. You should understand what you will have to deal with and how to do it safely. Let’s answer the most common question asked by people who are interested in running.
Do Knees Suffer from Running?
Legs and knees in particular often suffer in the process of running. There is even a special condition called the runner’s knee. Knees undergo a great strain when running so it’s understandable. In many cases, it’s the sportsperson’s fault – overwhelming oneself, running with obesity, disregarding previous injuries. These are the risks we can avoid. Before you start running, consult a doctor about it, and you will know for sure whether it’s a good choice of activity for you.
Is Running Bad for Your Heart?
If you have certain cardiovascular conditions – it may be. You need to consult a cardiologist about it. Basically, 5-10 minutes of running a day improves the function of the heart. But if you want to achieve a big success in running, you need a specialist’s consultation in case of having cardiac, renal or metabolic disorders.
Do You Need Special Running Footwear?
It shouldn’t necessarily be something designed for professional runners only. But there are criteria your footwear must meet to be suitable for running. It needs to have good shock absorption properties, be light and hold the heel and the toe tightly. You should also change them often because running makes them wear fast. Worn footwear can’t be safe for your health while running.
What a Runner Should Eat?
Many people go running in order to get slimmer and make a mistake – create a critical lack of calories together with the running activity. You need enough calories to have the energy for running. Otherwise, you will face the loss of muscles and even bone marrow. You need a balanced diet containing carbs and lots of protein. It’s better to consume carbs before you run to use that energy effectively.
What to Start With?
If you only start your running activity, 1 mile will be enough for a start. You should increase the distance gradually. It’s a good idea to try running in intervals. If you feel bad, you can walk a little bit and then continue running with comfortable speed and intensity. A healthy increase should be no more than 10% a week.
Now you know enough to start running. Remember that the first thing you should orient on is your feeling. If you feel bad, don’t force yourself. And never forget to stretch and take a warm shower or bath after running to help your muscles restore after the strain.