
How to Extend Your UK Student Visa?

If you’re a student in the UK, then it’s likely that one of your biggest concerns is how to extend your UK student visa. Luckily for you, we’ve put together this blog post to guide you through everything you need to know about extending your visa. You’ll find out what exactly needs to happen before and after applying, as well as an overview of the types of visas available to students. We hope this post will answer any questions or worries you may have had!

As a foreign student in the UK, it can often be difficult to balance your academic requirements with your status as an international student.

Depending on how long you plan on studying for, and how much time you have left of your current visa, here is how to extend your UK student visa.

Extend Your UK Student Visa

You must begin this process early on in order to avoid any disruptions in your studies. Check how long you have left on your current study permit.

The first thing you need to do is look at how long you have left on your current study permit. If it has been longer than six months you can apply for a new study permit. 

You may also only apply for another study permit before your current one expires if you are applying to switch from a Tier 4 (General) Student visa to a Tier 4 (Child) Student visa.  If you have less than six months remaining on your existing student visa, you will need to wait until your current visa expires before applying for a new one.

If you only have a few days left on your student visa, it might be better to wait until you receive a new study permit and then travel back into the UK under the new terms instead of leaving and re-entering in transit.

Though there is no set time frame regarding how long you can spend outside of the UK after your visa expires, it is highly recommended that you do not stay out of the country for more than six months.

You will need to make sure that you get back into the country before this time elapses or you might find yourself unable to re-enter the UK and forced to apply for a new visa.

It is also important to note that if you leave the UK after your visa expires, you will not be able to return until your new one has been processed. To avoid any complications with re-entering the country, make sure to make all necessary arrangements before leaving.

Applying for a New Visa

There are several different ways in which you can apply for a new visa as a student. You can apply online for an extension if you are not already in the UK by filling out the appropriate application form and sending it to your nearest British embassy.

You can also make a paper application from within the country, or from a different country. This is done by filling out a paper form and mailing it together with the appropriate fee in the right postage to your nearest embassy or consulate.

The paper form can also be submitted online, after which it will be sent to the relevant British embassy.

If you have already made a visa application within six months of your study permit expiring, this will need to be canceled before an extension can be applied for. This can be done by either sending a letter to your nearest embassy explaining the situation or by completing the required form online before submitting it.

Once you have submitted this form, you will not be able to use your original application number for another extension within six months of canceling the current one.

Benefits of Extending Your Visa

There are several benefits associated with extending your visa while you are still within the UK. The most important is that if your new visa application is refused, you will not have to leave the country immediately.

As long as your current visa is valid, you can remain in the UK until a decision has been made on your new extension application. You can also continue to work or study while waiting for this decision.

If your application is successful, you will only need to move into a different visa category in order to continue studying or working.

There are also other benefits associated with making an extension from within the country. For example, when you apply from the UK for a new visa, there will be no need to pay an immigration health charge because your status is already decided.


As you can see, it is much easier to extend your visa while in the UK than it is to submit a new application from outside of the country. Be sure to follow all of the visa extension procedures for your particular circumstances carefully in order to avoid any mistakes or complications that might result in your request being turned down. But if in doubt you can ask immigration lawyers for advice.

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