Submit Your Post
We at Trendmut are welcoming you to submit your guest post on our blog and get featured. In order to get your post published on our site, it should be well-written, free from hate speech, and mustn’t be violating any of Trendmut’s guidelines.
Benefits Of Guest Blogging
Today, Guest Blogging is one of the most used and beneficial online marketing strategies. There are numerous benefits of guest blogging, however, we cannot mention all of them, so, here are few perks of Guest Blogging that will convince you to write a guest post now and submit it to us.
- It helps your site in getting a very good amount of traffic instantly.
- It helps you in branding and expanding your network.
- It boosts your social media shares and helps you in growing social media followers.
- It also helps in improving your site’s domain authority by building strong backlinks.
- It can also help you in generating leads.
- It helps you in writing better content, thus, makes your content writing and marketing better.
Our Guidelines
Just in case, you are convinced of the benefits of submitting your guest post then here are our guidelines that you should be following in order to get featured.
- The content of your post should be original and not plagiarised.
- If you are adding images and videos then do not forget to give the credits.
- Your content should be free of errors with good grammar and correct spellings.
- Your content must not contain hate speech or must not be promoting any kind of violence.
- The trendmut team will be proofreading your content and can make any change/amendment that is necessary and isn’t changing the context.
- Once you have submitted the article to TrendMut and it is live on our website, every right to remove or add a link to the article, remove the article, or make any necessary changes without any prior notice.
- We only provide dofollow links to website with DA more than 70 and traffic more than 100K. However, if a website doesn’t meet our criteria but is informative or enriched with good content, a dofollow link can be added.
Good luck and have fun writing your first guest post for us. We’ll be more than glad to publish it on our site.