Natural Remedies For Preventing ASCVD Risk
When plaque gathers on the walls of arteries, atherosclerosis occurs. This can lead to the narrowing down of the arteries and hence, hamper smooth blood flow to parts of body from the heart.
However, this can cause severe damage at times. There aren’t any specific symptoms or signs you will encounter. That entirely depends on the arteries that are being narrowed. Like, when arteries that transfer blood to the legs and arms narrow down, you will experience numbness, infection and pain. Similarly, when arteries that pump blood to the heart narrow down, you’ll face distinct signs and so on.
ASCVD is severe. Once you encounter any symptoms, it is directed that you go see a doctor instantly. They will give you the suitable medication. Similarly, it is also significant that you start to take precautionary measures from now on, even if you haven’t faced any signs at all. Since, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Also, ASCVD can start from an early age too. So, keep a healthy diet since not only atherosclerosis, it can help in keeping hundreds of diseases away.
You have to make serious lifestyle changes. For example, if you’re a smoker then it is mandatory for you to quit smoking. Other steps you can take are changing your diet and exercising etc.
Exercising and eating healthy is not only good for preventing ASCVD but these can also prevent you from getting many other, more complicated diseases. If you want to live a healthy life, then adapting these habits is necessary. It is advised to exercise at least five days a week. You can use ASCVD calculator by for the heart risk calculation from home.
However, here are a few difficulties that can be caused by ASCVD and natural remedies for preventing ASCVD risk.
Complexities Caused By ASCVD
ASCVD can cause carotid artery disease, peripheral artery disease, chronic kidney disease and ischemic heart disease.
Here are a few complexities that atherosclerosis can lead to.
Kidney failure
The blood supply to kidneys can hinder due to buildup of plaque in arteries that supply blood to your kidneys. Due to this, your kidneys do not receive adequate amount of blood and this can thus lead to kidney failure.
Heart disease and failure
This means that the heart will not be able to pump blood throughout your body efficiently and will not fulfill adequate level of blood.
ASCVD can cause palpitations and irregular heart beat or rhythms.
Heart attack
This is a life-threatening emergency in which the supply of blood to your heart is blocked.
This is a very serious medical condition in which the walls or an artery can bulge. The bursting can cause internal bleeding, leading to other complexities.
A stroke can kill brain cells. It occurs when blood supply to your brain is blocked, depriving it of oxygen. This can cause very serious damage.
There are a few people that have a higher risk of getting ASCVD than others. These are people with the following conditions:
Air pollution
Being exposed to air of poor quality or air with contamination can lead to ASCVD. How? This is because exposure to air pollution risks the buildup of cholesterol in coronary arteries. This buildup can lead to plaque and simultaneously narrowing down of the arteries.
This is a very important factor. People whose parent of sibling has encountered ASCVD are at a higher risk than other people.
People that have diabetes and their blood is at high level of glucose at a frequent rate, are more likely to get atherosclerosis.
Not much is known as to why atherosclerosis begins. It is a unhurried cardiovascular disease and grows overtime and can also start as early as in childhood. However, a few causes as per doctors are below.
- Diabetes type 1 or mellitus
- Smoking
- High cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
- Lack of physical activity
- Obesity
- High blood pressure
Right, so this is how atherosclerosis actually progresses or grows. Firstly, there is a slow buildup of plaque in the walls of the artery or thickening inside its walls. This leads to a reduction in space, and hence the blood flowing through it is curtailed. Since the rate of blood flow is decreased, there is also a decrease in oxygen-rich blood reaching other body organs that may be quite vital. This can cause conditions like heart attack (when supply to heart hinders), stroke and so on. Another medical condition is Gangrene, which may occur if the blood supply does not reach the legs and arms at an adequate rate.
Natural Remedies For Preventing ASCVD Risk
The following are a few natural remedies that you can try at home for ASCVD. These have no side effect and are easy to do. They are just alterations in your diet, since diet can play a vital role in your well-being. The right diet can keep you protected from so many major diseases and illnesses, allowing you to lead a healthy life.
Beans are beneficial for your health. It contains a lot of nutrients and another benefit is that it has no harmful fats. Majority of the beans lower blood pressure, this is due to high concentration of potassium. Beans dilate your blood vessels; this decreases the strain on your cardiovascular system.
Garlic has a compound called Allicin. This lowers LDL cholesterol levels. Another one of its benefits is that Garlic can reduce triglycerides by about 20%. This reduction can also cause benefits like reduction of formation of plaque inside the arteries.
It also has the ability to stop the oxidation of cells that goes down in the arteries. This minimizes their tendency of suffering from damage. Some other compounds in garlic can also help dissolve blood clots.
Ginger is extremely beneficial in reducing high LDL cholesterol level, platelet aggregation and thickening of blood. It can also lower blood pressure and prevents your arteries from hardening.
So, make this a fundamental part of your diet.
Beans contain a lot of nutrients and another thing is that it has no harmful fats. Majority of the beans lower blood pressure, this is due to high concentration of potassium. Beans dilate your blood vessels; this decreases the strain on your cardiovascular system.
Green tea
Green tea’s anti-oxidizing power is its one important benefit. It stops the cell from damaging the arteries because of free radicals.
Another thing is that it has a compound called polyphenols. This compound also prevents cholesterol from entering the intestines and cause damage.